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“How long do fillers last?” is a frequently asked question at Mabrie Facial Institute in San Francisco. To comprehend the answer, we must evaluate more than simply the physical or chemical features of the items.

Filler vs Result Longevity

This is an important distinction to consider.

Several factors determine how long a filler lasts after injection:

  • Filler material
  • Filler consistency
  • Treatment area

How quickly your body metabolises fillers

One thing to keep in mind is that you can experience visible face rejuvenation or contouring results for much longer than the period of the individual filler injected. Here’s why: Filler injections can increase collagen production in the treatment area. That suggests your body is creating a chemical that restores volume in the area. How cool is that?

At Mabrie Facial Institute, we’ve noticed that our patients’ improvements remain for years, sometimes even after they’ve stopped receiving treatment. The following patient is an excellent example of the exceptional lifetime of under-eye fillers:

  • Before beginning treatment
  • One month after the initial treatment
  • Four years after the third therapy

Here’s another case of a patient whose results seem to continue forever:

  • Before beginning treatment
  • One month after midface/under-eye therapy
  • Patient after 3rd treatment over three months
  • One year after the 3rd therapy

We’ve been recommending 6-month tear-through filler maintenance for many years. However, we see that this may not always be the case. Tear trough filler effects can last up to a year, especially with the help of our midface technique.

How Can You Make Your Fillers Last Longer?

Fillers gradually degrade in the first few months after being injected. However, the visual outcomes remain the same since fillers absorb water. However, at the midpoint of the filler’s expected lifespan, you’ll notice a reduction in volume.

So, how can you get more mileage out of your fillers? The key is a staged strategy that accounts for the decreasing volume. At Mabrie Facial Institute, we construct tailored treatment plans for each facial rejuvenation and contouring patient. Our packages are designed to last longer and involve two treatments during which we create and layer the fillers. Following the initial phase, patients return regularly for maintenance. We use fewer products to preserve results by evaluating a patient’s look and providing touch-up treatments once or twice a year. This maintains them looking new, and ideally, no one notices a “gap” in their results.

How long do cheek fillers last?

Using a hyaluronic acid filler like JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® produces results that can last up to 24 months. A touch-up treatment every 12 months helps to preserve and prolong the effects. VOLUMA and RADIESSE® are thicker gels that provide the lift that cheeks require to appear more youthful. RADIESSE lasts about 15 months, with a touch-up treatment every seven months.

How long do nose fillers last?

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty with a hyaluronic acid filler such as Restylane can last up to 12 months, with maintenance treatments every six months and follow-up appointments every 9 to 12 months. Restylane is a firmer, thinner gel that allows the injector to sculpt and shape nasal skin more effectively than thicker fillers.

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