January 26, 2025

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How Can You Deal with PTSD?

Deal with PTSD


Unfortunately, some individuals experience trauma when their safety or that of their loved ones is threatened. Those experiences could be things such as witnessing natural disasters, getting assaulted, or having a motor vehicle accident.

It is normal to be stressed, angry, sad, overwhelmed, or afraid for weeks after a traumatic experience. In general, those emotions fade away as you will have enough time to process what really happened.

However, some individuals continue being affected by trauma several months after the tragic incident. They may experience symptoms, such as nightmares and flashbacks, causing what is called PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

This disorder can result in painful emotions such as numbness, regret, and shape if it is not controlled. Fortunately, the following ways can help deal with PTSD:

1. Do Yoga and Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Research shows that yoga and mindfulness meditation can help lessen the symptoms of restlessness, depression, and anxiety linked to PSTD.

Mindful meditation may involve putting the focus on your breath and, at the same time, witnessing all your thoughts as they come up.

You will learn to recognize those thoughts through developed yoga practice and regular meditation before they even take control of your emotions.

2. Use Cannabis Products

Patients with PTSD report that cannabis has helped them with the condition and related symptoms. According to cannabis experts, such as George Scorsis Florida, there is a biological mechanism behind this effect.

Some studies back this claim by showing how cannabis products may minimize activities in the amygdala, which is part of your brain related to fear responses. The same studies also say that cannabis products play an important role in extinguishing all traumatic memories.

3. Consider Therapy

Therapy for PTSD has three major goals. These include improving the symptoms, teaching skills of dealing with the condition, and restoring your self-esteem.

Many therapies for PTSD fall under CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). The basic idea here is changing your thought patterns, which disturbs your life. This can be through focusing on the sources of your fears or talking to a therapist about your condition.

Based on your condition, family or group therapy sessions can be better than individual therapy sessions.

4. Opt for Expressive Writing

Taking advantage of journaling to deal with PTSD and express your feelings and thoughts can be a perfect way of dealing with the condition once and for all. This is what some PTSD experts call expressive writing. Many experts have reported that this kind of method can help improve psychological and physical health.

As a matter of fact, expressive writing has been reported to have numerous benefits in patients with PTSD. This doesn’t just include improved coping, positive life changes, and post-traumatic growth. It also includes reduced PTSD anger, tension, and symptoms.

In a Nutshell!

Over time, you can be exposed to traumatic events, like violent acts, serious injuries, or sexual harassment. It is normal to have a flurry of physical symptoms and emotions in such times. This is why in such times, learning how to deal with PTSD and the symptoms that are linked to it is very imperative.

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